The Basic Actions
I use these actions on every computer that I run Photoshop. They are time saving, offer a lot of basic controls over your selections, and streamline Gaussian Blurs.

First, download my actions, and save them to your Desktop.

  Download (1.26Kb)

Go to the Actions window, click on the little arrow on the top-right corner, and select Load Actions...

Browse to the folder where you saved the actions, and then load them.

If the Actions window is not visible, go:
Window > Show Actions

Print the following table, for easy reference.

Keys Actions
Shift+F8 Flip Horizontal
Shift+F7 Flip Vertical
F8 Gaussian Blur 9 pixels
F7 Gaussian Blur 6 pixels
F6 Gaussian Blur 3 pixels
F5 Gaussian Blur 1 pixel
F4 Select Layer Transparency
F3 Expand Selection 2 Pixels
Shift+F3 Contract Selection 2 Pixels
F2 Expand Selection 1 Pixel
Shift+F2 Contract Selection 1 Pixel